Advantages of NATURE_1 cage-free layer AVIARY system
_ Enclosure cage-free layer Aviary system which simplifies bird management at the startup period when placing the birds prior to the point of lay / egg production
_ Once birds are placed – the NATURE_1 cage-free layer Aviary system can be closed to keep the birds in it to allow the layer hens to get familiar with their environment
_ The possibility to enclose the flock within the layer Aviary system also facilitates for any medication or vaccination, if required!
_ With the use of a LED lighting program and related to the design of the NATURE_1 cage-free layer Aviary system, the layer hens enter the system in the evening within one (1) hour before all lights are off
_ All hens will be in the system and not on the litter / scratching area when lights are off!
_ There is a high percentage of hens remaining in the NATURE_1 cage-free layer Aviary system than other Aviary solutions
_ This results in less floor eggs on the litter area and higher percentage of clean nest eggs _ more birds on the system, more manure on the manure belts and less manure on the litter / scratching area!
_ NATURE_1 cage-free layer Aviary system is designed to have included additional egg conveyor belts inside the automatic nest system and also on the outside of every other level with mesh wire floors
_ NATURE_1 cage-free layer Aviary system design allows for automatic collection of all system eggs to the main egg elevator reducing cracked eggs and dirty eggs!
_ The center inspection / control corridor inside the layer Aviary system is 60 cm wide
_ Excellent management access to the birds in the layer Aviary system _ controlling / handling of the hens, water, feed and nests.
_ The corridor results in less bird wing damage / bruising during flight of layer hens from level to level inside the system and reduced dust!
_ The two different automatic nest levels allows the layer hens to select the easiest access to the nests avoiding competing for nest space when wanting to lay eggs
_ NATURE 1 cage-free layer Aviary system design leads to less stress due to pecking order of the hens in front of the nests!
_ The house design when using NATURE_1, back to back cage-free layer Aviary systems provides a bird and litter free inspection corridor between the two system rows
_ This inspection corridor allows an easier flock control. Mesh wire doors allow management / staff to enter the corridor, which is free from floor litter, to carry out routine management control / inspection of the automatic nest!

Nest expeller system in NATURE_1 cage-free layer Aviary:
_ The nest bottom moves up and down approximately 2 cm, to ensure all the eggs roll out of the nest onto the egg belt.
_ The unique component of the nest operates in sync with the winch, time clock and the nest bottom.
_ Upon completion of this motion the nest bottom moves upwards to expel the birds and keep the nest closed during the light out period. This movement of the nest bottom helps to further keep the nest clean and the birds out during the lights off period.
_ The nest opens minutes before the lights come on again.